The International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) suggested that blue herring catches could increase by 23% from 2022, while it suggested that mackerel catches fall by a quarter of the projected 2022 catch.
ICES has advised that Norwegian spring spawning herring (NSS) catches will decline sharply by 2023, while blue herring catches could increase.
The ICES recommendation for NSS herring is that the catch should not exceed 511,171 tonnes – 15% below the 2022 advice and 38% below the expected catch for this year.
Erling Kare Stenevik, manager of the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research (IMR) said that NSS herring numbers are on a downward trend year by year.” Even following the 2023 management strategy, fish populations The reproductive NSS extraction is expected to fall below the limit by 2024. For green herring, the catch should not exceed 1.36 million tons, an increase of 81% compared to 2022 and a 23% increase compared to the catch. expected this year.
“Even if the management strategy is followed by 2023, the breeding population is expected to fall below the prevention limit by 2024. As for the blue, it says that the landings are not under control,” he warned. more than 1.36 million tons; up 81% on 2022 advice and 23% on this year’s projected catch.
ICES recommends a 2% lower Northeastern Atlantic mackerel quota (based on 2022 advice), although the recommended catch is 782,066 tonnes, a quarter of the year’s projected actual catch for the year. now.
In recent years, coastal states have agreed to establish a quota in response to ICES advice. However, there is still a lot of controversy about the division of mining volume between countries, countries set their own quotas unilaterally, resulting in actual catches often exceeding the recommendations.
ICES has recommended that mackerel catches fall from 71,138 tonnes in 2022 to zero in 2023.